Friday, November 14, 2008


There are days (few and far between, thankfully) when I don't feel like being a mom. I know shocking, but true. Those are the days when I wish I could change my job title. Because if I have to hear one more "M-O-M, I need, or I want, or can you....", I'm going to implode. Really! I feel overwhelmed by trying to do all and be all.

When I'm having a hard day and I'm stuck down in the trenches, trying to claw my way out, I try to take some time to refocus. Because lets face it, if I don't I'll turn into a she-monster that nobody will recognize.

Here are a few things I do to help ease my feeling of over taxation:

  • Repeating one of my memory verses, such as- "Look to the Lord and His strength, seek his face always" I Chronicles 16:11 Cuz, the good Lord knows I need Him.
  • Grabbing a hot cup of coffee, curling up on the couch and reading a chapter or two from a book. This option must take place only during my two-year-olds nap time, of course.
  • Sending the kids out to play. Duh, that's a no-brainer!
  • Make an executive decision that today is Easy Day at Juniper Hill Academy.
  • Removing myself from the situation, if possible, and escaping to my room to pray fervently for a better frame of mind.
  • And finally, taking a breather and remembering how blessed I am to be able to call these precious children mine. They are wonderful gifts from my loving Lord. When I slow down and take a good look at them, I see them for the beautiful, amazing creations they are.

How do you handle those days when you feel like running out the back door and not looking back?

To find out how other homeschool moms cope with doing it all, head to Homeschool Memoirs.


  1. well you know what to do it!

    And thanks for the idea's hey we are all in the same boat for sure..your not alone..and often I wonder why that is.

  2. I have felt this way this week due to being sick along with "Pebbles". I say please God give me the "super stength" to do my job as a mother. I feel women take on a lot of different roles and God gives us what we need to make it through.
    Sometimes I have to set her in her crib and walk around the house for a minute to catch my breath and calm down.
    But, yes I am sooooo blessed to have my girl. :)

  3. Trying to me a home schooling mom and baby sitted a 15 mth old.... Day and night that is when we have her.... Then the school we charter under pastor which was the principal resigned from the church Sunday... What a stressful week...

  4. I don't think I handle it as well as you do that's for sure! I tend to just muster through on my own. It's good to be reminded that it is truly the Lord that gives us what we need to be adequate mommas. I should turn to Him more and "freak out" less!


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