Monday, April 19, 2010

Changes With Time

Seven years ago it wasn’t unusual to find me each morning surrounded by 3 warm, wiggly boy bodies.  As soon as my boys would wake up they would burrow under the covers with me.  Sometimes, if I had been up all night nursing. I would put cartoons on the T.V. so I could catch a few more minutes of sleep.  It didn’t matter if there was squirming and chattering, I was so exhausted, I slept through most of the noise and motion.  Unless of course it involved little bodies heaving themselves up on my chest, nose placed to nose and big brown eyes imploring mine to get up for feeding time.

Other times I would be less sleep deprived and there would be minutes stretching into half hours when we would snuggle and giggle and chatter.  I would bury my nose in little boy necks and try to lock the fresh scent of boyhood in my memory.  I would Eskimo kiss and butterfly kiss.  I would hold soft, warm bodies close, until little boy bodies heaved themselves up on my chest, nose placed to nose and big brown eyes implored mine to get up and feed them.

Nowadays it is different.  There is a little girl who joins me in bed in the mornings.  We snuggle nose to nose.  I bury my nose in her neck and breathe in her sweet little girlness. She tells about her dreams and I listen.  We giggle and tickle. Sometimes I close my eyes and rest with her soft body next to mine. Until she wraps her arms around my neck, places her nose on mine and implores me with her big blue eyes to get up for breakfast.

Only once in awhile do I find a bigger boy body climbing into bed with me to enjoy some talk time.  I wrap my arm under those big boy shoulders and bury my nose into the hair on his head.  I breathe in big boy (hopefully washed the night before) freshness. I miss my cuddly, squirming, chubby, fresh little boys.  I miss all those arms in legs hitting me across the nose.  I miss the child sleeping diagonally in the center of the bed with toes anchored in my back.  I miss being surrounded and hemmed in by my sweet little boys.  So, it is with great joy that I receive the one who silently slips into my room and under the covers to have time to snuggle and talk.  Eventually though they tire of the talk and snuggling and look into my eyes with the ever present ravenous look of a hungry and never full boy.


*To every young mother, I implore you, take many moments in the mornings to snuggle your children.  Before you know it they won’t be climbing up into your bed, wrapping their chubby arms around your neck and smothering you in their sweetness.  Take each and every day and relish in the times of adoration, they flee before we can catch our breath.


  1. I really enjoyed this post Jennifer, thank you.

  2. Yes indeed! Mine no longer feel the need for it either. Thank the Lord for my sweet little girl who still does it without fail! I am thankful even when she climbs in my bed at 2 o'clock in the morning! I will really, really, miss these days.

  3. Also, can you believe how blessed we are to be woke up by big beautiful eyes, soft little noses, and loving hugs..instead of an alarm clock! I wouldn't trade my job for the biggest office, a fancy new car, a 6 figure income, or anything in the world!

  4. It happens in a blink of an eye, sweetie. Soon you have a bed full of little grandkiddos junpin', snuggling and sharin' those butterfly kisses!

    Ya'll have a wonderfully blessed week sweetie!!!

  5. I love morning snuggles - they are the very best :)...

  6. Such a wonderful post Jenn! I hope those "young mothers" take your advice! :)


  7. Oh, this is painful to read. I know this is coming. I don't know how I'll bare it! Mine are 8, 6, 3, and nursling of 16 months. The time goes so fast!

    Beautiful post!

  8. If only I could get them to stay and snuggle! They just want breakfast! It's usually the middle of the night they all invade for snuggles. I'm less thankful at that time but it sure is fun looking back on all the nights.

  9. You know I've been thinking about this... but not in the same way as you describe. I have yet to "love" it all, as you say.

    It's coming...and I've been REALLY telling myself to "be willing" ~ silly.

    I'm just being real. And, I appreciate your honest, plea of encouragement at the end of your post. I know it's true. I need different eyes to see this - somedays more then others. My patience was really running thin today and I know it...

  10. I'm taking it to heart girl! I love snuggles and I sure could take time to get some more!

  11. Aw, this was so sweet!

  12. You are so right. My big boys don't snuggle anymore, although I do get quite a few hugs stilll. But my seven and five year olds are even getting out of it. I'm blessed with my snuggling Jacob (three) and Lily Pie who just turned one. These moments are precious and fly by. What a sweet post!

  13. Isn't it the truth? I soak up all the snuggles!!!

    Have a wonderful day.

  14. I could not have said it better. Time spent with our children and grandchildren is precious beyond words. I am so thankful I am here with my girls. God is good. Take care and God bless.

  15. So true! I truly cherish snuggle time moments because I know it will go so fast.

  16. Such a great post. Thanks for the reminder. They really do grow up to fast. <3

  17. Glad I could make you laugh today! Blessings!

  18. Wonderful post! I was just soaking up my youngest little boy last night! He is 2 1/2 and still has that sweet smell. I opened my robe and wrapped it around him and there we cuddled and sang. I LOVE that feeling so much. It goes so fast, my 23 year old is out on his own, my 18 and 20 year old boys still hug, but you know, big manly hugs ;-) My 12 year old boy wants to hug, yet is at that awkward stage and doesn't quite 'smell' like the two year old ;-)

    Might this be my last little boy??? Cherish the moments

  19. It's so true that they grow up too fast! I'm so glad mine are still small enough that they enjoy snuggling!


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