Caleb, the days of before are sadly a blur for me. There are memories here and there, but so much this momma’s heart wishes her mind could remember. Although much is lost in the past and days have flown by which I foolishly thought were nondescript, I do know this one thing…. I love you with all my heart. And I am blessed to be your mom! You bring such joy into our home and I am so thankful for you each and every day.
You are starting your journey to manhood. How exciting! And I am so thankful that the Lord has chosen me to walk beside you on this journey. And what a journey it is going to be, because we know that God has chosen you!
You are his beloved child and He is calling to you, “Come this way, Caleb, My son whom I love completely. Look to me. It is time to run! Before you may have felt weighed down, not able to run, but I’m telling you that you can. I have placed within you My compassion, My passion, My Holy Spirit, and My desire for my people. So run, Caleb. Run to Me, so that you may in return shower My glory over everyone you come in contact with. You are going to shine with my Presence and people everywhere will know that you love Me, your God.”
Caleb, I am so thankful to be your momma! You melt my heart with your compassion and gentleness. You make me laugh uncontrollably with your funny sense of humor. And every time you smile I want to tell you to never quit smiling because your dimples light up the world! This year I am looking forward to seeing you grow not only physically and mentally, but most importantly spiritually. It’s a journey we are on together. Keeping our eyes and hearts on God and our hands in His as He leads us into deeper understanding of who He is is. You are a world changer, my beautiful son. God is using you and asking you to speak out for Him. GO FOR IT! Shout His praises every where you go. Bring His comfort every place you step. Glorify Him with every word. Pour out His love upon everyone you meet, because you are His hands and feet.
I love you with all my heart and can’t wait to see what God has for us this year! I know it is going to be good!