Change is difficult especially when it isn’t something we ask for or desire. Big changes are looming in the future for our family. And I’d be lying if I told you it wasn’t bothering me. Honestly it has me tied in knots. I can’t wrap my mind around what this change is going to mean for us. It scares me, the not knowing. I’m afraid that life as I know it is going to be twisted, turned and manipulated into something absolutely and drastically opposite from what it is right now.
I know that the Lord sees all, knows all and cares for all. I know that he cares for the littlest sparrow and watches over the very flowers in the fields. But, I still find myself wondering. Considering every possible scenario of how the days ahead are going to play out.
The future, the unknown, it is vast. It’s hanging over my head like a cloud. I am clinging to these words…
Are not five sparrows sold for two farthings, and not one of them is forgotten before God?
But even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not therefore: ye are of more value than many sparrows. Luke 12:6-7
You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, whose thoughts are fixed on you! Isaiah 26:3
I’m praying for the peace that only God can give. I am lifting up my eyes to the One who can strengthen me and soothe me with His love and care. When I keep my eyes on Him I do feel His peace. I know that even though the time ahead is going to be difficult and uncertain, He is going to be holding our hands the whole time.
But, when I get distracted by the possibilities I feel weighted. There is a heaviness in my chest and tears threaten. Without Him I am scared. When I take my eyes off Him I am afraid of what I am going to have to give up.
I need to look outside of myself. My eyes must seek His face. Only then do I know with utter assurance that He alone is enough.
Look to the Lord and His strength, seek His face always. I Chronicles 16:11
I am in a mixed up world myself right now. I keep searching for the Lord's face.
ReplyDeleteI will pray for you.
I am very stressed and far from friends and family. I understand when life gets turned upside down.
Hugs and Love to you
The unknown is always scary for us all but keep your eyes on God and He will not fail. Change puts the fear in us but step into it with faith, I guarantee God has something better for you. I'm holdin' ya up in prayer for peace and guidance.
ReplyDeleteYou have yourself one beautifully blessed day!!!
I, too, know how stressful the unknown can be. I will keep you in my prayers. I recently posted about how we do not see the big is truly scary at times. But we serve a risen Lord...who can see us through anything, sometimes it is really scary though!
ReplyDeleteHi Jenn,
ReplyDeleteWe are going through the same thing. My husband was just verbalizing some of his anxiety about it to me this morning then I read today's entry (4/29) in My Utmost for His Highest (Oswald Chambers). Take a sheds a whole new light on our perspective.
Prayers and blessings,
I know exactly what you mean-I thought to my self the exact scriptures when our family was going through all the hardships of 2009, and even into this year...My prayers are with you-
ReplyDeleteFacing the unknown can be so scary. I know the feeling. Keep reminding yourself that He knows you and cares for you.
ReplyDeletePraying for you, Jenn! I know the things you are dealing with are scary. I will be praying that you know the peace that passes all understanding. I love you, sis!
ReplyDeleteBy the way, your header pic is phenomenal!
Am I the only horribly curious person who wants to know, "what change?" I guess I'm a detail person...always have been. I will be praying for you though, and I know how scary it can be. It's easy to say those words, but I really do know. I've been there too many times. And this last big one...moving across the country with 4 children, to a place we'd never been, to a job with no security, and no family or friends to lean was scary. I honestly believe that God doesn't show us the future, because He knows we couldn't handle it. We just have to take it one day at a time, and not play out the scenarios.
ReplyDeleteJust trust in Him, because He's already in the future as much as he's in the present, and He WILL take care of you, and all your needs! Also remember the scripture in Matthew 6:25-34. I clung to these verses and still do! Especially 34~
"Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof."
Hi Jenn,
ReplyDeleteI said a prayer for you just now. For strength and peace whatever lies ahead. I just read several of your posts, and you have been such an encouragement to me. It is wayyy too easy to get caught up in comparing ourselves to other lives, rather than just relishing every moment of our own lives! Well said, well shared! Love to you friend! Debbie
Don't do it Jenn, don't give into fear! Remember your life verse! God has recently shown me that fear is not just an emotion, it is sin to be repented of (not make yourself feel all guilty because you are human and felt fear, just repent of it and move on)
ReplyDeleteFear is the opposite of faith. He has shown me that while I am a woman of great faith, I have lived in fear for many years! The kind you sort of poo-poo as emotions or life being hard. you are in a battle of the mind right now, fear or faith, life or death, you get to choose! Choose life, Jenn, choose faith. When fear comes knocking, say, "oh, I'm sorry, I have repented of you and you are not welcome" God has not given you a spirit of fear so if that spirit is coming on you guess where it came from??!!!! Repent of all fears up to this point and press on in faith, refuse even the tiniest thought of fear. Do you know how many times the bible says 'do not fear'? Jesus isn't kidding when He says take no thought for tomorrow . . . not easy, is it? The narrow way is hard, following Christ is hard! But that is truth, don't listen to the enemy who says, it's okay, it is scary isn't it? All the while smiling while you struggle under the spirit of fear!
You got this one Jenn, you can do it! Praying for you right now!
Life is full of changes. The one thing that does not change is the God we serve. He is ever faithful. We have had many changes recently in our family. God is in control. Cling to Him. HE WILL NOT FAIL YOU! For me, the main thing has been, when all is said and done I want to look more like Christ. May He hold your hand through these changes and when needed carry you. Take care and God bless.