Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Bloom Even in Adversity



Lavendar-SycamoreLane Photography-001



Time is short.  I have dinner bubbling away on the stove and several projects that need to be finished.  So this is going to be brief.

I’m feeling a bit rushed today with so much to do, but I am thankful for today. And for our yesterday and days to come. 

You never know what a day will bring when you first set your feet on the floor. And lately we have had a few surprises.  Surprises we would rather not have visited on us, but they came all the same.

Yesterday was a “surprise” sort of day.  I got a call from my husband’s friend and boss, saying that Joel had crushed his hand in the mixer at work and that they were on their way to the ER.


After several hours in the ER, Joel was taken back into surgery.  They repaired his broken and mangled thumb by placing 3 pins in it.  Thankfully both of his tendons were still intact, they had thought one of his tendons had been tore.  He had a nasty gash that they repaired and then sent us home with pain meds and instructions for further doctor visits, etc.  He is looking at many weeks off of work as his thumb heals and he gains mobility of it again.

Life certainly has been interesting around here for the past three months!

I am so thankful for our faith.  Our God is bigger than anything that may come at us in this life. So, today, I am blooming even though I feel there has been much adversity here lately.  God is for me, so who could ever be against me! (Romans 8:31)


kim klassen


tuesday muse


  1. Sorry for your husband and will pray for a speedy recovery. Your image is beautiful, nice job!

  2. Love the tones and how you set this up !!
    Hope your husbands thumb heals well, he's very lucky !!!

  3. Continuing to pray for you! So thankful his thumb was repairable. Love you guys!

  4. praying for y'all! my husband had a similar incident, not so fun at the time. but, God is good and faithful!! :)

  5. Oh no...that is not a good surprise. I am so sorry, Jenn. Life presents us with challenges, but I know your faith will keep you strong. Lovely image today. Big hugs.

  6. Oh, sweet friend! I am praying for you all and especially for Joel as he heals. May the LORD knit his hand back together perfectly. How your heart must have stopped when that call came in!! Praying for YOU, too...hang in there. Love you! Camille XO

  7. Oh my dear, so sorry your hubby has an injured hand and your life is running at full speed. Your image is very beautiful as you processed it perfectly!

  8. I am so sorry about your hubby's accident, and pray he will heal quickly. Love your photo and quote!

  9. Hi Jenn,
    sorry to hear about Joel's thumb. We'll be praying for healing! thank you for your prayers and concern for us also a few days ago. Jenny A

  10. We worry and worry about those men at work and sometimes its warranted. So glad he's going to be okay.

    Beautiful image and quote. Love that lavender. xo

  11. Beautiful image and words. I hope things get better soon.

  12. That's a scary phone call to get! I'm so glad he's going to be okay. Hopefully he won't drive you crazy hanging around the house for the next few weeks. ;o)


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