Saturday, April 18, 2015

What’s So Chicken About Chickens?


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Life around here is never dull.


I, in a state of lead-filled limbs and numb brain, declared I was going to lay down on the couch for thirty minutes so that I could hopefully gain back an ounce of invigorating energy.  I needed to clean the bathrooms after all and with three boys well… let’s just say it takes some scrubbing and not just a little of motivational self talk!

So, as I laid on the couch, all snuggled down, blanket tucked under my chin and over my head to block out unwanted interruptions, I began to drift into blissful slumber when I heard a blood-curdling scream.

I knew it was my girl and that scream she only let’s loose under extreme duress.

I jumped off the couch, forgetting my glasses and rushed out onto the deck, thinking I would find blood or crushed limbs.

I squinted into the sunlight and through the blurry haze of my absent corrective lenses, I searched for her body.

There she stood in emotional distress ranting and weeping that a chicken had tried to bite her.

She stood there explaining in detail the horror of the event, while the hen loomed behind her considering a second attack.  Caleb, who by this time had joined my side, wisely told her she had better run, because here came that hen for round two.

Lauren looking a bit dazed did not immediately take flight.  She stood there looking side to side as if plotting her best chance at escape.  All the while, the hen advanced upon her from behind.  Finally in desperation both Caleb and I, standing upon the deck 8 feet above her, yelled, “RUN!”

Thankfully she sprinted her way to safety.

As I laid back down on the couch she came to sit with me. Sorrowfully and quite furiously she told me she now hated chickens.  It was at least a five minute monologue over her total disgust in the plucky fowl, which ended with her rather wise deduction, “What’s so chicken about chickens?”

2015- 365~ Week 14


Day 92/365:  Moss and Lichen always grab my attention. I love the smallness and intricate detail of  lichens which represent a symbiotic relationship between a fungus and an alga or cyanobacterium.  And the moss…. well anything green this time of year makes me stop and praise my Creator.

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Day 93/365:

Exploring the swamp and woods.

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Day 94/365:

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Day 95/365:

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Day 96/365:

This huge grapevine is in our woods and it makes a perfect swing for Lauren.

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Day 97/365:

Spring- It just makes you want to dance!

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Day 98/365:

Easter basket hunting.  Joel is in charge of hiding the baskets and he always makes it super hard, which in turn makes it super fun for our children!

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Collage week 14

Monday, April 13, 2015



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It happened several months ago.  In a rush right after the holidays and then we all just needed time to breathe and just be.

And I needed time to think and let it sink in.

The days add up day upon day and my two year old, with the energy of a speeding bullet, leaps to sixteen, still with energy that can’t be contained,  in what now seems like a matter of moments.


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When I look at you it is hard to believe that you have blessed and graced my every day for the past sixteen years.  In moments when you aren’t looking I look deep.  You, my son, are gorgeous.  My breath gets caught in my throat and I’m taken with your dark eyes and perfect dimples.  To top it all off you have one of the most cheerful dispositions I have ever had the privilege of witnessing.  You are always ready with a laugh and a smile. Which in turn always makes me laugh and smile, your joy is contagious!


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But, I think what captures my heart the most is your amazing tenacity.  You have faced difficulties and struggles.  You have had to work double hard to make the grade.  Even when you come upon frustrating, mind boggling problems, you do  not give up without a fight.

God has astounding, life changing plans for you.  He has called you to great things.  His heart is for you and He wants you to know above all else how completely He loves you.   He calls you the head and not the tail and above your circumstances never, ever beneath them.

“Look I am doing a new thing! I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland.  I provide water in the desert and streams… to give drink to my chosen people.” Isaiah 43: 18-21

Through the hardships and the difficulties He has been building you in His strength.  He is building you for greatness in Him.  He will use you in new and creative ways to bring the truth and love of Jesus into the lives of people that you meet.

As you continue on through out this year, moment by moment and day by day, know that you have my heart.  I am absolutely, totally, unashamedly in love with you.  You are precious to me and I am cheering you on at every step. 

Keep going strong my son.  Keep laughing, smiling and finding joy in the blessings of this life.

Sixteen is going to be an awesome year!


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I love you!

Sunday, April 12, 2015

2015- 365~ Week 13


Day 85/365:


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Day 86/365:

We have a small glorified mud puddle behind our house.  It is a natural spring that had its beginnings as a stream until my boys got a hold of it some years ago and expanded it.  We call it our pond.  To reach our “pond” you have to walk a trail that is bordered by low growing juniper bushes and old scraggily trees.  We have been talking for some time on whether we could successfully get the ducks to know their way to and from the pond.  This week we herded them into the hen house, captured them, and carried them to the pond.  Lauren, Caleb, Jacob, and I spent at least an hour laughing at them.  They were ecstatic, tossing water over their backs, dipping and diving.  Several hours later we saw them appear at the trail head.  They now trek down to the pond several times a day!

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Day 87 & 88/365:

This is what I love about homeschooling.  I see fog and I can put school on a twenty minute delay to run outside with my favorite model.

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Day 89/365:

Swiss Chard start on my window sill.

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Day 90/365:

Spring, I see you!  You can’t fool me.  I know you are coming even when temperatures are in the thirties.

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Day 91/365:

Lilac bud.

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Week 13 collage

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