Tuesday, August 2, 2011

It Swirls and Circles

Summer, it hinges around that one spot where I do so much.  It swirls and circles and comes back to the place where I can breathe deep, take in a spectacular view, shuck corn, snap beans, do my Bible Study, sip tea, watch my children play.  It’s the area that holds the memories and the corner I go to think.  It’s the landing spot for bottoms, flower pots, muddy boots, and flip flops. It’s the platform for dances and performances and a few disagreements. 


front porch


This front porch it helps me to see, to know, to understand, to just take a breath and let it out nice and slow. It’s where I can think and contemplate. And I can feel God so close here.


 hollyhock bloom-w coneflowers and bee-w possible plant-w


I can take in the beauty from my front porch and the brilliant colors, soothe my soul

During the quiet hours of dusk as the Cicadas, Crickets and Tree frogs serenade me, I find blessings that surround my front porch.

There’s strength, integrity, and humor sitting in my driveway.


There’s Frisbee throwing, sidewalk chalk, and serious conversations about lightening bugs, dirt and God.


sis-frisbee-w sidewalk chalk sis


From here I can gaze out into the open fields and see nothing, but God’s goodness, majesty and beauty.


queen anne's lace-w weed in field-w  weed-flower


And when the sun does finally start to sink towards the horizon, I get thoroughly entertained.


sis-sunset sis-sunset-1-w sis sunset


This front porch of mine is full of blessings, swirling and circling in and around this old heart of mine.




  1. I do love your front porch! just gorgeous photos. I love the one with sis in the background and the flower garden/hollyhocks in the foreground.

  2. I loved this! After writing my pond book, I wrote another from my porch. Keith and I spend hours out there!

    I would love to sit on the front porch with you sipping tea and visiting! :)

    Thank you for your sweet comment today.
    Blessings from one porch sitter to another :)

  3. Oh how I would love sometime t reflect on your porch with you.
    Mine is sorely underused during this busy and hot summer!
    I LOVED the pictures of all your kids. It's so hard to make all of the big guys let you take a photo, huh?
    Great post!

  4. Oh Jenn, this is beautifully written! I want to come sit on your porch and take in everything! : )

  5. I would love to have all of you come sip tea with me on my front porch!

    Kristin, you are so right my big boys are not as willing to be models as my daughter is! :)

  6. Count me in on that tea-sippen'-porch-time, a talkin'...

    fun post.

  7. I like this post. I feel like I am almost sitting there with you.

    Your daughter is such a beautiful thing and your family is just darling.

    Loved this little look into your life!

  8. It's a good life, isn't it? Being surrounded by so many people you love, and that love you back! Living in your own personal Garden of Eden is pretty nice, too. :o)

  9. lovedthis post.the photos,your words and just every country thing about it.

    RELLy love the photo with all of your children. What a good looking bunch you have:)

    so blessed...so blessed...

  10. ...i just need to add that I love photo 6. I've looked at it twice while reading this post. There is something about it so peaceful and sweet. The angle of the shot is so neat.

  11. Love the chalk pic! :) They are all pretty awesome though! :)


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