Wednesday, March 25, 2015

2015- 365~ Week 12


Day 78/365:

School work in my bedroom.

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Day 79/365:

Warmer weather makes us smile.

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Day 80/365:

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Day 81/365:

Play ball!

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Day 82/365:

Spring is making its way here with little bits of green here and there.

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Day 83/365:

Mud pies, cheese balls, cookies, etc.

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Day 84/365:

It was one of those days… you were dragging your feet about doing school and then your pencil got caught in your hair and that delayed us even more!

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Collage week 12

Saturday, March 21, 2015

2015: 365~ Week 11


“In the spring, at the end of the day, you should smell like dirt.”  ~ Margaret Atwood

Day 71/365:

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Day 72/365:

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Day 73/365:

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Day 74/365:

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Day 75/365:

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Day 76/365:

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Day 77/365:

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week 11 collage

Monday, March 16, 2015

2015: 365~ Week 10


The object of a 365 day photo project is to take a photo every day.  I’m stretching the guidelines of this project to fit my days.  I don’t pick up my camera every. single. day.  I pick it up when I have time, when I see an adorable moment, when beauty shouts its gloriousness at me, when I know I want to capture a memory to remember twenty years from now.

I’m not going to make myself loony if I don’t take photos every day.  I make myself loony easily enough these days, so I’m making my own rules as I go along!  The majority of these pictures this week were taken on the same day (the leopard print dress may just give that away), but I’m numbering them as days, so just play along, okay!


Day 64/365:

The many faces of Lauren.





Day 65/365:

No words…. cuz I’m absolutely smitten with this little girl!

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Day 66/365:

A girl and her kitties.

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Day 67/365:

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Day 68/365:

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Day 69/365:

Wearing a pheasant hat has been shown to dramatically improve your phonics scores!

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Day 70/365:

A GORGEOUS sunset out taken from my back deck right before all of the snow melted away.

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Collage week 7

Thursday, March 12, 2015

2015: 365~ Week 9


Day 57/375

I said to pick of the markers and you picked up the cat…

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Day 58/365


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Day 59/365


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Day 60/365

Your eyes….  there are times when I take a photo of you and I am just blown away by your beauty.

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Day 61/365

This girl… she’s the 18 year old daughter that I never had.  She’s an amazing young woman and I love her to pieces!

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Day 62/365

The gold finches are slowly starting to get their bright yellow feathers…. spring is coming.

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Day 63/365

This just makes me laugh!  Such joy!

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Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Unraveled to Believe.

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My mind is jumbled.  Like a ball of yarn unraveled into a twisting, looping, unorganized pile.

There are big decisions looming.

I thought I had it all planned out— things were going smoothly.  I had a plan.  It seemed well within our grasp and I was in control.

College for Isaac seemed a sure thing, a God thing. I knew in my deepest parts of my soul that my oldest was headed to Bible college. 

Then a single piece of paper stating Isaac’s financial responsibility for year one landed my lofty dreams on the flat plains below the peaks.

This. This seems un-doable, impossible.  Unless I want him to have a ginormous debt for four years of schooling.  His goal— to go to Bible college and major in missions.  Question? How does a missionary pay off a $64,000+ debt?

My mind is literally swirling.  There has to be an answer, a solution.  My heart is breaking, crying out in unbelief and confusion.  He wanted this so deeply.

Why must it cost so much to serve God?

I need miraculous wisdom, insight, provision. I need answers and direction.

Jumbled. Impatient. Confused. Hope crushed.

I was spiraling.

Then an amazing woman of God breathed Life into my clouded and tangled soul. Lovingly she showed me my unbelief.

…they brought him. When the spirit saw Jesus, it immediately threw the boy into a convulsion. He fell to the ground and rolled around, foaming at the mouth. 21 Jesus asked the boy’s father, “How long has he been like this?” “From childhood,” he answered. 22 “It has often thrown him into fire or water to kill him. But if you can do anything, take pity on us and help us.”  23 “‘If you can’?” said Jesus. “Everything is possible for one who believes.” 24 Immediately the boy’s father exclaimed, “I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!”  Mark 9:20-24

….If you can do anything.  If you can do anything…  Lord, help my unbelief!

I’m a pretender, Lord. I say that I believe, but when life roars deafening, I cower. I retreat, surrendering all dreams and hopes and belief.  I go limp.  I want to believe!  I want to KNOW, to experience, to believe in Your mind blowing power. For goodness sake You raise the dead to life!  So, why do I doubt that You can supply every single penny that Isaac needs?

Why do I continually limit You?  Why do I take my hope and dreams for myself and my children, shove them under a pillow and sit on them, not allowing them to see the light of day because I think they may be under opposition?  Why do I insist on living a half life?

God, today I will operate in the opposite. I am letting all hopes and dreams rise to the surface.  Like bubbles floating high reflecting, glorious, multi-colored LIGHT.

I do believe.  I believe.  I believe that You are a good God.  I know Your goodness.  I have seen Your goodness; experienced Your goodness. I believe that You have called Isaac to serve You in the mission field and that Your plans for Him are perfect.  That You have called and will therefore provide.  I will not limit You with my unbelief.

Lord, I believe! 

I stand upon the truths of Your character.

I’m ready now, God.  Unravel my limiting unbelief until it becomes an unshakeable, unbreachable, pinnacle of belief.  

Unraveled to believe.

Monday, March 2, 2015

2015:: 365~ Week 8


Oh uh! I’ve fallen behind! Some days I pick up my camera and other days there just isn’t time.  But, I still want to document our days and weeks together.  So, I do what I can and I’m not going to stress about it.  I’m going to capture our days; not worry about guidelines and numbered days.  I will remember these days when we laughed, worked, and learned together, because to me they are precious blessings.


Day 50/365

Seventeen days and counting of negative degree temperatures has my children resorting to this!  Isaac marked up Lauren’s face and in return she did each of her brother’s faces, but not until she had bribed them with her valentines day chocolate!

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Day 51/365

When your sister accidently coats the linoleum with dusting spray, you must take advantage of it… sort of like an indoor slip and slide.  I’m thinking we could make this part of our homeschooling phys. ed. program!



Day 53/365

In your room playing with your favorite doll- Lily.

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Day 55/365

You have been getting up earlier than normal.  On this day Papa prepared and served a cup of coffee to you, his precious princess.

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collage week 8

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