Tuesday, November 17, 2009

This Thing Called Three

Three is not easy.

For me, it has been one of the hardest stages I have had to mother my children through. Whoever, came up with the saying, "the terrible twos", should have followed that up with, "the tenacious, unreasonable, theatrical threes".

Three has so many facets its hard to pinpoint them all. There's the unleashed defiance that comes roaring out like a speeding train. Or how about the pushing, pushing, pushing of the limits. What about the dramatic crumpling to the floor in pure devastation with moaning, tears and maybe a few kicks of the feet for added emphasis. Or the stubborn countenance and scowling face that stares back at you for the slightest offense.

Three is not easy.

Three is full of emotions. Happy one minute, sad the next. Agreeing to obey one minute, doing exactly the opposite the next. Playing peacefully one minute, tossing an uncooperative toy across the room the next. Full of love and hugs one minute, seething with enmity the next.

Three is not easy.

It is full of change. It is full of uncertainty. It is full of struggles and a pull for independence. There are boundaries to test. Frontiers to explore. Lessons to learn. For it is the beginning of an independent nature and the ending of the complete reliance of babyhood.

Three is not easy.

But, it can be fun!

Three can be infused with giggles and belly laughs. It is full with absurd stories and silly conversations. Three abounds with hugs so tight that they literally squeeze off your oxygen supply. It is full of bright eyes and toothy smiles. It permeates with all things dramatic, dress up and imaginary friends galore. It is full of running and dancing and pure hilarity.

This thing called three may be difficult, stressful, mind-bending and dramatic, but I wouldn't miss it for the world! Especially when she says in her three year old slur, "Awww, sweetheart give me a hug"!



  1. That makes me want to nap, but I am very proud of you for your optimism. Wow, she is adorable. I am sure that helps a little.

  2. Yep, threes can be as frustrating as they are theatrical and adorable. It is soooo worth is all. What a sweetheart.

    God bless and have a great evening!!!

  3. they talk about the terrible twos, but three is much much worse. My husband and I had about given up on our daughter about age three when a family member who had four girls told us they come out of it on their own around age 4 or 5 and sure enough, the sun came out about that time. they're so cute and so trying at the same time at that age :D

  4. I'm glad we can experience "3" together! So adorable, yet so trying!

    Love that picture of Sissy!

  5. Two of my boys had the terrible threes-My first one and the last one. (My middle son had terrible twos..)
    I thought I was just a great mom when my first son missed the terrible twos, but three was such a surprise! I didn't know that was coming! It turned out fine, and when my three year old hit it this year...I was ready! LOL

  6. Thank you!

    I say THANK YOU because I've always thought three was harder than two. SO hard. It's good too, of course...but so hard, exactly as you said! :)

  7. yep it was..something like that! She sure is growing up and losing the baby look..awhhhhh.

  8. Yes it's all that you say it is. I just brought one daughter out of it not too long ago and I have another one going in to it next year, so I guess I should enjoy my moments, but my little girl is pulling some whopping terrible two's right now.

    Please pray for me...my back is out again, and no money for the chiropractor just yet. I've tried to "adjust" it myself along with ice and advil, but it hurts to do anything and even to do nothing!

  9. Hopping over from Heather of the EO... What a great tribute to your 3 yr old. Love this. Cute blog. Beautiful family.

  10. Believe me there is nothing like the teen years. I never ever thought I would say that, but they are the most trying. I wish mine we're three again.


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