Saturday, February 7, 2015

2015: 365- Week 5



Day 28/365: 

You love your babies and there is always some sort of feeding, changing, or snuggling going on. {Free Lensed}

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Day 29/365:

Isaac’s wood cutting business-  selling a truck load in the snow.  At times it’s hard to believe he’s eighteen and old enough to run a chain saw, it would be a real nail biting experience if I didn’t know that God is ALWAYS watching over Him.

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Day 30/365:

I am so thankful for my boys.  They work hard around our place. I am grateful for the strong work ethic that Joel has instilled in them.  The other day Jacob shoveled off our back deck after a snow storm. The temperature was below zero and as the cats and I watched him from the comfort and warmth I had to take 30 or more photos of my boy working hard.

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Day 31/365:

This baby is spoiled.  She often takes a nap on my bed and Lauren covers her up with a blankey, because you know we must keep her warm when she is sleeping.

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Day 32/365:

Her eyelashes…. SIGH.

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Day 33/365:

Bird watching….  And a little low light photography capturing you being you.

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SycamoreLane Photography- 365-2015- 33 (2)

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Day 34/365:

Dance till the stars come down from the rafters

Dance, dance, dance till you drop. ~ W.H. Auden

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SycamoreLane Photography- 365-2015- 34 (2)

SycamoreLane Photography- 365-2015- 34 (3)

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