My, oh my, I have been slacking on my blogging lately. I'm having a hard time keeping up with everyone's posts. Goodness, I can't seem to even find time to post on my own blog! I'm trying desperately to keep caught up on my reading because I don't want to miss out on what is happening with all of you, but if you feel by any chance that I have been neglecting you, I apologize, I really do. Let me see if I can explain why I've been a slacker in the blog world.
Here's the rundown...
Gardening~ I've been doing a lot of it lately! We finally got all of the garden planted, except for a few more rows of corn that need to go in. Plus I've been working in my flowers gardens almost daily. I'm trying to get some annual flower seeds in the ground so that I will have lots of glorious color come mid-summer.

Softball~ My boys don't play Little League, so for the past two summers, my friend and I have organized a 6 week Christian Children's Softball League. Its a laid back affair. No practices, just Monday night Softball games. My friend's husband brings his portable grill and we roast up hot dogs and chow down while cheering on our children. I don't know who has more fun the kids or the parents, who are gifted with 2 hours worth of social time!
4-H~ It's that time of year again...FAIR! As administrative leader of our group, I am still learning the ins and outs. Since it is only my 2nd year, it takes me a bit more time than someone who knows what they are doing. Sometimes I feel very clueless! I have spent a bit of time the past couple of weeks organizing a club meeting and working on paperwork for the fair. Nothing strenuous, but I like to make sure I have all my ducks in a row!
Lack of creativity~ The creative writing portion of my brain is on hiatus. I cannot seem to come up with anything clever, inspirational or outstanding. My life here is pretty simple and the normal day to day doesn't seem to provide any fodder!
Bone tired~ After laying in bed 24/7 for 2 1/2 months I am finding that I get worn out really easy. By the afternoon, on most days, I feel like I need a nap and all the muscles in my back seem to be protesting that they can't hold me upright much longer. But, I'm gaining and making improvement, for that I am grateful.
S-L-O-W Internet connection~ This dial-up is torturing me. It is taking considerable time for the blogs to come up, then if I want to comment I have to wait some more. FRUSTRATING! I guess it is one of the negatives of living in such a rural place.

Life~ You know all that stuff like, doctors appointments, grocery shopping, house cleaning, feeding of the hungry hordes, piano lessons, and keeping my little animals from bickering constantly now that they are on summer break.
Well there you have it, my life in a list!