Wednesday, June 24, 2009

One Very Big Reason...



I have never had a manicure


Or a pedicure!


Yeah! I love playing in the dirt!  I have tried to wear gloves, but it just doesn't work for me.  And when your out in the garden in flip flops the dirt gets in between your feet and sandals anyway so you just mine as well go barefoot!  That's what summer is for anyway isn't it?!

And plus I know I will get to enjoy this

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and this



Green beans and Cucumbers








And what about all of these




To me it is a fair trade to dirty hands and feet (plus a little Comet works wonders on all that dirt!).


  1. i can't ever keep gloves on either!!
    you should get a pedicure in the fall when gardening is is so worth it.
    have a great day.

  2. well the spa used all those natural minerals anyways so really your just saving your monies by not having someone else do it!

  3. How Beautiful those flowers and vegetables are! I would trade dirty hands and feet for those anyday!

  4. You've got beautiful hands and feet!

    I have to admit I do love a pedicure now and then, but it sort of seems like a waste of money when it lasts such a short time. I'd trade that for some of your yummy garden vegetables anyday!

  5. Defintitely worth it! I have never had a pedicure either :)!

  6. Beautiful bounty! I would think a whole summer of beauty is far better than 30 minutes of pampering! (save that for the winter :) )

  7. You are hysterical. I love your reasoning. I need to go find some dirt to squish under my it is more like sand!

  8. Who needs gloves anyway right! And your toe nails still look good!

  9. That's great! My hands often look like that, but I do try to wear shoes outside because A) anything pavement or concrete is hot enough to scorch this time of year and B) I don't want to step on a bee or one of the rather rude deposits the neighbor cats sometimes leave. (Ewww!)

  10. hehe, I love this post, but not because I associate myself with it. I can't stand to have dirt under my fingernails or go barefoot :D

  11. I've gone to 1 gloved hand for the really dirty weeds, but I usually forget and just use both. Your garden and flowers look awesome! I've never heard of using comet to clean the dirt off, I'm going to have to try that.


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