Saturday, March 12, 2011

Simply Saturday~ 03/12



Welcome to Simply Saturday!  Would you like to participate?  Grab your camera and take a picture of anything that speaks to you of simplicity and/or home. Your post can be as wordy or as wordless as you like. You decide!  Then come back here and link up. 

You are free to copy and paste the Simply Saturday button at the top of this blog.  And while your at it do you mind  linking to my blog on your post, just to let others know where we are gathering! Thanks! :)


This weeks picture isn’t so much about simplicity as it is of my home. I am a neat freak by nature. I am an organizer and clutter drives me batty. Over the past 14 years I have had to learn to except kid clutter. Not easy for me, but it comes with the territory, ya know! When my boys were little I would pick up toys 3 or 4 times a day just to have my house look a little more organized.  I think in those days it was a bit of a sanity keeper for me, too. Seeing my home neat and in order somehow made me feel my life was in a neat little box (hmmm another blog post, maybe! :).


Letting go of my fanatical organization hasn’t been easy for me!  Toys scattered all over the floor robs me of my peace just a bit. Not sure why, but I’m sure it has to do with the organizer in me. Not to mention that I think picking up after ones self is a good life lesson. Don’t you think?! ;)

Therefore, I require my daughter who is the destroyer of open floor space to pick up what she is playing with before moving on to the next activity. Otherwise she takes over the whole house with her toys, art and blankets. It seriously looks like someone ransacked our home some days!

At the end of the day we work on picking up anything left out and tuck it all back into its places sort of! Depending on how tired or cranky we are that day it may be perfectly organized or dumped into mini piles on her bedroom floor. If it’s in her room, then I can turn off the light, partially close the door and not see the mess!

I think most importantly, for me, I am learning that my home doesn’t have to be picture perfect and spotless at all times. I’m learning to let go a bit. To take a deep breath and just let it be. In the grand scheme of things it really doesn’t matter. Honestly, I don’t want my children to remember me by my inability to bend and go with the flow. I want to be okay with a toy left out here or there, or a few popcorn kernels left on the floor, or dirty socks left by the couch (okay, maybe I can’t quite let go of the dirty socks, yet!). I certainly wouldn’t want my kiddos to have a warped memory of feeling like they were living in a museum instead of a home.

But, for my own peace of mind and for the safety of those who live with me, it does help if the majority of everyone’s toys and personal items are picked up at the end of the day!

The boys room….that’s a whole other topic! You don’t want to get me started!


If you haven’t entered my GIVEAWAY for an item from my Etsy shop go HERE!


Now it’s your turn to share with us your picture of the week….Oh and don’t forget to spread the love by visiting some of the other ladies!

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  1. You sound just like me about a decade ago. I've been in homes that feel more like museums and that is no fun at all. It sounds like you have the right idea. Just let them play and have fun, and pick up at end of day. This is advice I would give young mothers!

  2. Yes, I can relate to this more than I have room to write in a comment section.

    It seems like this is a battle I fight with myself...

    As always you've captured a great shot:)

    Happy Simply Saturday;)

  3. Ok, I make no bones about how twisted I am. I was born a neat freak and I will die a neat freak...It's just the way I fly.

    I envy those who can relax and enjoy around the chaos. I would like to have just a taste of that! Hehehehe!!!

    Great Pic!!!

    God bless and have a terrific weekend sweetie!!!

  4. Funny, how so many of us that blog are OCD about clutter! Great post and picture!

  5. Great post Jenn! I can relate on the *organization* part of your post and the *museum* part...LOL! Sounds like we are cut from the same cloth. :)

    *Love* your photo this week my friend.

    Many blessings,

  6. I'm with ya! My husband doesn't understand why I can't sit down and enjoy a movie with him until I clean up the mess that's around the TV.

  7. Girl, my house is a mess... most days. Hubs is constantly reminding me that we simply have a 'lived in' look. Like you, I feel at peace with tidy organization, but in this season of life... Resistance is futile, right? ;) I find sanity in reminding myself that one day these kiddos will be in a different season of life... and I'll miss the covered carpet of toys. Yea... Sometimes that works. ;) I need to join in Simple Saturday one week soon!

  8. LOL! I've been told I make "nests" wherever I'm sitting. I sort of surround myself with whatever I'm working on. We have sort of have our "thing" don't we!!


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