Thursday, May 3, 2012

Leisurely Country Day… and a Sale!

I think it is finally here to stay.

A while back Joel did this for me.


Yes, we disk our garden! And after the warm winter we had it needed it desperately. I have a feeling I’m going to be fighting the weeds especially bad this summer. Then my oldest son ran the rototiller over it, twice.

And now we have this…


The beginnings of our garden! The peas are up, along with the turnips, lettuces, spinach and radishes.  Today if the weather holds I’ll be planting potatoes.

Yesterday it was so warm that we just couldn’t stay inside.  The day wasn’t gorgeously sunny, it was rather overcast and looked like it could whip up a storm, but still after cold days and nights, God’s beautiful world beckoned us to sit and enjoy.

We spread out a blanket in the yard and had a picnic lunch.

  picnic picnic-1




And what’s a picnic without tea, not a true picnic, I say!



And then we all went out to visit the new babies that arrived 2 1/2 weeks ago.




They are just starting to open their eyes and will soon be leaving the nest box to sample the Alfalfa pellets and experiment with the water bottle.





After loving on the baby bunnies my daughter began begging to go frog catching.  I told her I wasn’t sure that was a good idea since it entails a big swampy muck hole. I told her I didn’t want her to get all dirty.  Catching frogs always ends up with major clean up detail for me.

  sis sis-1

She told me most earnestly that she would only get her fingers dirty and then she proceeded to give me her sweetest face in hopes that it would sway my decision.

She won.


frog catching

And I’d show you a picture of her great frog catching adventure except that she ended up in just her t-shirt, underwear, and rubber boots. Scrapbook worthy, but not blog worthy.

After a bit of frog catching we headed back to the stream to clean off the swamp muck and to explore.


It was so peaceful back there. The water gurgling, the birds singing, my children chattering and the sun warming my face. AHHHH! Bliss!



Nothing’s better than spending a couple hours outside soaking up God’s glory. It is one of the best places for me to feel close to Him.  A time spent in leisure of the body, but not of the soul.





Check out my shop!  I’m having a sale!

click HERE

****NEW**** I’ve been crocheting up these hair pretties for my daughter for several years now. I decided awhile back to add them to my shop. However, I am now just getting them done so that I can list them!  These roses are crocheted right to a Goody no pull hair twisty.  I use them for ponytail holders and also I place them on my daughters headbands. Making a super cute accessory!



Hope you can stop by and take a look!


  1. What a perfect day...picnic on the grounds and frog catchin'!!! I bet your pic of little blue eyes IS scrapbook worthy!!!

    I remember the day's I'd literally hose of the kids before I'd let 'em in the house! Heeehehe!

    Your garden's lookin' gooooood!

    Have a delightfully blessed day sweetie!!! :o)

  2. Sounds glorious! I've seen that same look many times :)

  3. Awesome pictures! It is still chilly here. I'm so debating on if I want to do a garden or not. With the house being for sale anything can happen. I might just put a small one in and call it good :)

  4. What a wonderful day! I love ones like that, even though they are few and far between. Those baby bunnies warm my heart.

    Your daughter is looking more and more like you the older she gets! And what does she intend to do with the frogs she catches? Lexie wants to keep a frog in the house. I am not so sure about this...

  5. my most favorite kind of days!

    and posts.

    and sales on etsy!!!!


  6. Dear Jenn ~ What a gorgeous post! What lovely photos! (Don't I usually say that?) LOL! I've been *out of the loop* lately. Trust all is well?

    Love you!

  7. So great to get out there in the fresh air and enjoy nature. :)

  8. you're such a great mama. wish my girls and i could share tea with your cuties. but i'm sure my girlie girls would pass on frog catching. too cute!!


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