Whenever Lauren and I watch a video or read a book together, she picks out characters for us to be. We are always the girl characters. Usually she is the main girl and I’m the sidekick! We must each take part. We have to be somebody.
And each of us is somebody.
Some of us are strong, boisterous, leaders of those around us.
Some of us are quiet, compassionate and meek.
Others are opinionated, bold and in charge.
Others maybe gentle, patient and followers.
Some of us are fashionable, trendy and modern.
Some of us are comfortable, classic or farm worthy.
Some may be short fused.
Others longsuffering.
Some of us see the positive around us.
Others may dwell on the negative.
These attributes make up our characters. It is who we are. We may be the main girl. The one who leads the show and enjoys it. Or we may be the sidekick, living our lives quietly, but still making an impact on those in our lives.
When I stop to look at the uniqueness of those around me I am once again in awe of our Awesome Creator. Each of us is created to be a special individual, one of a kind. God’s special design and love wrapped up into a package of humanness.
And when this uniqueness and quirkiness of others sets me on edge. I try to remember God is the Creator of that person who is rankling me. He is the one who loves each and everyone of us, because he formed us with His love.
I try to remember that we can’t all be like me, because if you all were, well then, we would all be waiting for someone to lead, waiting for someone to speak out, waiting, waiting, waiting, because I’m not one to step up and take the initiative.
And if you were all like me then there would be a lot of quiet, listening people just staring at one another waiting for someone to talk so we could all listen!
And if you were all like me we would all have clean houses and full tummies, but there wouldn’t be those who would teach, nurse, and run businesses.
I Corinthians 12:4-6; 12 says, “There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit. (5)There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. (6)There are different kinds of working, but the same God works all of them in all men. (12)The body is a unit, though it is made up of many parts; and though all its parts are many, they form one body.”
Today and in the days to come, I will be embracing the godly differences I see in those around me. I will be thankful that God created us uniquely different from one another. I will hold my tongue and capture my thoughts when they threaten to belittle someone for their differences. May God help us all to be more loving to our brothers and sisters in Christ.