Saturday, January 29, 2011

Simply Saturday~ 01/29

Welcome to the first Simply Saturday!  Would you like to participate?  Grab your camera, take a picture of anything that speaks to you of simplicity and home. Your post can be as wordy or as wordless as you like. You decide!  Then come back here and link up. 

We had some beautiful snowy weather this week.  One morning it was a bit foggy and as the fog dissipated it left a trail of crystals.  I grabbed my camera, put on my winter garb, my oldest son’s bulky winter boots and trudged out to the fence row.  All went well until I tripped on the boot lace.  Usually I can regain my balance pretty well, but in boots several sizes to large for me there was no recovering.  Thankfully as I was falling face first I had the presence of mind to hold up my camera.  If you can picture this all in slow motion that is how it felt.  I landed flat on my belly with my chin inches above the fluffy stuff and my right arm extended just above my head. Simple, huh?

ANYWAY this is one of the shots I got before gracefully plunging to the snow. I love the simple beauty that the ice crystals create on this burdock. Who knew pesky burdock could be beautiful!

Now for those of you new to linking up (this ones for you Bevy! :) here are a few steps to help you out

Click on the add link button below and it will then require you to fill in some information.

You will be asked for your site address.  PLEASE put the address of your Simply Saturday post. To find this, mouse over the title of your post on your blog it will give you your exact address.  For example:  my address for this post is

The rest should be pretty easy to understand. (If not shoot me an e-mail or leave a comment)

You are free to copy and paste the Simply Saturday button at the top of this blog.  And while your at it do you mind  linking to my blog on your post, just to let others know where we are gathering! Thanks! :)

****The following is a disclaimer....I don't know if I did the linky right SO if you have difficulty linking up PLEASE let me know via my comment section or through e-mail! Alrighty! I think that about wraps it up. NOW show me what you got!


    1. What an amazing snow photo!
      I just added to linky. Let me know if their are problems and I will try to fix it on my end.

    2. I can just envision your graceful landing. Good save! Maybe next week I'll join in the fun.

    3. Girl, each and ever time I pop over I'm just awe~struck over you ability of a great shot.

      This 'simple' chick is goin' to work outside today...can ya believe the temps are in the 60's. Ahhhh, chops on the grill tonight but baby, oh baby,....major winter storm movin' in. Hubs stockin' up of generator fuel right now. In Missouri...ya blink and the weather can change!

      God bless and have a beautiful weekend sweetie!!!

    4. I hope it worked.... ;) thanks for the step by step info.


    5. Coming over from Amanda's blog! What a great theme! I love Saturday because we get a break from the regular stuff!
      I love being a wife, mother, teacher, and country girl! I'll be spending some time here. Thanks for hosting!

    6. Yes, we have roasted marshmallows and made s'mores. It's actually more fun in the winter because the rest of the year has too many mosquitos, etc!

    7. I have a picture in my mind, it's very clear, LOL. So glad you fell in soft snow AND saved the camera!

      I got brave and linked up. I hope I don't make a fool of myself. I really don't know what I'm doing when it comes to my camera, but I'm having fun experimenting! Sorry I'm a day late :(

    8. I'm so bummed! I was all set to link up this week and of course, computer issues! Hopefully will be back up in a few days, so look for me next week! Great pic this week!


    Thank you for visiting my blog! I love to read your comments so take a few minutes and jot me a line or two!

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