Friday, April 10, 2009

A Few Unknown Facts About Me

I found this meme on my friend Amy's blog. It is hosted over at the blog Golden Goodness. If you get a chance go check it out! It looked like fun, so I thought I would jump in and give it a try! It's called Grilling Goodness and it is super easy. Just answer the questions provided and in the process share a little insight about yourself.

1. What's one of the best things you've seen lately?
2. Has Spring brought you something you don't like?
3. What kind of sandwiches do you like?
4. Do you carry GermX with you at all times?
5. Does each person in your house have their own hamper or do you have a central hamper for everyone?
6. How often do you balance your checkbook?
7. What's the hardest thing you've done lately?
8. Are you a texter?

My Answers....

1. The Goldfinches outside my window with their drab winter plummage replaced with bright, cheery yellow.

2. For anyone who reads my blog this is a no-brainer... my aching back. BLAH! One thing I have to praise the Lord for is that I can now stand for about 5 minutes at a time, before I have to lay back down.

3. Love deli turkey sandwiches with all the fixin's on thick slices of bread.

4. Um....YEAH! I think the number of bottles of Germ-X, I have stashed in my purse, vehicle and diaper bag would break some sort of world record!

5. I have a hamper on the master bath. A hamper in the boys/main bath and Lauren has a hamper in her bedroom.

6. Never! That's my husbands job. Thankfully he keeps on top of it and does it monthly.

7. The hardest thing I've done lately is having to stay in bed. It has been hard on me to have to rely on everyone else to care for me, my children and take care of our house.

8. Don't laugh to hard, but I wouldn't even no how to text someone. We only have a tracphone, which is a cell phone where you purchase one years worth of service and the amount of minutes you want. We only use it when we really need too. This is one of the ways we keep our monthly expenditures down.


  1. Thanks for sharing! I remember the track phone. We had one for a couple of years. It really is a nice alternative to no cell phone at all. You don't want to text anyway, it's really a pain.

  2. I am just making the rounds to all the blogs that posted on grilling goodness.

    Sorry about your back, staying in bed sounds really nice for about 2 hours and then I think i would go crazy!! Hope you are on your feet again soon!

  3. Oh I don't have a "real" cell phone either, I only have a Tracphone! I love it that way!

    Thank you so much for coming by my blog for a visit! We have so much fun with the bean bags! I think the adults enjoy them more than my Butterfly!!

    Happy Easter!

  4. ah, sounds familiar, I have a prepaid phone only for emergencies and wouldn't know how to text to save my life!

  5. Jenn, not a bad idea with the tracphone .. still praying for your back! Happy Easter

  6. Ahh-- so glad you joined in. Great answers gal.

    Prayers still coming your way.

  7. LOL! I've never sent anyone a text message either!
    Big germaphob...always have (generic) germ x around my house and car.

  8. Aw, precious tidbits about you! <3

    I put the hamper where my husband 'drops' his clothes and he still manages to miss the target :o) so our floor is a giant hamper to him LOL

    Glad to see that you are doing better!!

  9. Blogging is my addictions! My cell is only used when I travel out of town... I can text, but hey why have a phone and not push the send button to talk???? I can talk faster then I can text ! lol


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