Sunday, January 25, 2009

Birthday Boy


I look forward to this day, your birthday. Not only will we be celebrating the day you were first laid in our arms, but we will be celebrating the joy you have brought us over the past 10 years. And we will be celebrating the love we have for you and the joy you bring us.

You are definitely a ray of sunshine in our family! Your love for life shines through in every thing you do!Not a day goes by that you don't fill it with your smile. You are full of energy, laughter and creativity! Our days would be dull and way too quiet without you.

The Lord has blessed you with another wonderful year. You have grown in so many ways...

  • Your perseverance has paid off and you are struggling less with reading.
  • You are looking beyond yourself and seeing others needs.
  • You have grown in your love for God and your desire to do what is right is evident in your life.
  • You are a helper and a peace maker.
  • Your tender heart has healed many hurts between your brothers.

I am proud of you and I am looking forward to the coming year. I know God has great plans for you. I will continue to lift you up in prayer, asking the Lord to guide you and surround you with His awesome love.

You are a blessing to our family. An awesome gift from God! I love you sweet boy!

Happy Birthday!


  1. Happy Birthday Jacob!! From some friends in Tennessee..

  2. Aw, Happy Birthday Jacob. What a beautiful post!!! His birthday is very close to my son's birthday (which is really on the 27th but we had his party yesterday), thank you for sharing and I hope he has a great birthday!

  3. Happy birthday handsome boy!

    God bless you!!

    PS: Oh my God! He is really handsome!

    OOpss... sorry. Lol

  4. Happy Birthday Jacob!! I hope you had a great day!

  5. I hope he had a wonderful birthday!!! They just grow up sooooooooooooooo fast.


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