Sunday, May 22, 2011

Scavenger Hunt~ 05/22


This weeks items: My Passion, Sound of Music, Inner Beauty, Ethereal, Sharp


 My Passion….

Right now I’m passionate about getting amazing Hummingbird shots. I attempted this week.  Not exactly “wowed” by what I came up with, but I’m going to keep at it! These buggers are quick and I know if I stick with it they will help me become a better photographer.



Sound of Music

I love the sound of Canadian Geese, especially in the fall when they fly over our house every morning and evening.  I took this one from my archives (I took this in April), due to an excessively busy week.



 Inner Beauty

I love the blooms on this Phlox!  Hidden in these striped buds is a lot of inner beauty.






This Downy Woodpecker has sharp little gripping feet!

Downy Woodpecker-w


For more visit Ashley at Ramblings and Photos

scavenger hunt


  1. Wow! Great photos this week! Love the hummingbird and the woodpecker ... although they are all wonderful!

  2. these are amazing, jenn! i'm curious as to which lens you use most?

    so great catching up with you. your little girl is simply. adorable.

    great job on your first senior photo session! she must have been thrilled with her pix!

    {oh... and yes. this year, we are giving year-round school a go. i think it will make the holidays a little more enjoyable. and mama can take a lil' time off when burn-out tries to creep in.} ;)

  3. I love your interpretations! My favorite three are the hummingbird, the sky shot and the woodpecker. I have a hummingbird feeder up waiting for use, so I'm a little jealous :) Nicely done!

  4. Great post - and your ethereal is just stunning ;))

  5. Great set of photos!!! Lovin' all three bird photos.
    Enjoy your Sunday!!!

  6. Wow, Jenn. You certainly never disappoint! That little woodpecker is just too sweet, too.

  7. I would love to get a photo up close and personal with a hummingbird, too.

    They are so quick.

    I love the etheral photo.... actually, all of your photos are wonderful - as usual. You're amazing.

  8. Gorgeous pictures! Love them all! :-)

  9. Oh yes - I love this entire set. Beautiful work. And you have always done such beautiful work with hummingbirds but your ethereal shot is pretty powerful too.

  10. I have to say, I'm pretty wowed by your humming bird shot!

  11. All of your photos are beautiful! I can't pick a favorite!

  12. Wow! Stunning! If you don't love your hummingbird shot, I want to see the one you do end up loving! It is beautiful and are all of your other shots!

  13. Wow. They are all great. Wonderful job. That first one is great.

  14. You are TRULY getting some AMAZING shots!

  15. Great work. The sky is amazing. I love all of them

  16. Wow - you might not be satisfied with that hummingbird shot, but I think it is Stunning!! I especially like your sharp photo, too. Beautiful moments from the country :)

  17. Beautiful pictures! You did a wonderful job! Thanks for sharing.

  18. Love them all, but ethereal is breathtaking!


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