Thursday, June 5, 2008

Thought Life

**As I was proofreading this today I realized that this kind of makes me sound like an overly critical person. I'm not. What I was referring to was the moments in our life when we must rub shoulders with people who irritate us. Outwardly we may treat them with outmost kindness, but inwardly we have a hundred cutting remarks floating through our heads. I am trying to remember that God loves those who irritate me! I am striving for the goal of a pure heart and mind.

"O Lord, you have searched me and you know me. You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar." Psalm 139:1-2

Only God truly knows me. He knows every minute detail about me. He knows the number of hairs on my head. He knows when I sit or stand. He knows the very thoughts that I think. God knows my inner most thoughts, those I wouldn't want to share with anyone. He sees the not so nice side of me. The thoughts that go through my head in a day are numerous, but what concerns me is the quality of those thoughts.

In Ephesians 4:32 we read "Be kind and compassionate to one another......." We know we are to be kind to one another. Its kind of a Christian no-brainer. But what about our thoughts.

I have been convicted of this time and time again. I may outwardly treat a person one way, yet at the same time think not so kind thoughts. That person may never know what I was thinking, but God does. Galations 6:10 says " Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers." God commands us to do good to other people, to love our neighbors as ourselves. Everytime I lose control of my thoughts and think negatively towards someone, I am disobeying Gods command. I am not being compassionate to God's loved one. I need to remember that my thoughts are not private. God perceives them. He knows the good and the bad. I am only hurting God and myself when I let my thoughts wander into negative realms. I want to not only physic ally show Gods love, but I desire to surrender my thoughts to God so that they may bring glory to Him.

I will be guarding my thoughts more closely, so that I may show true kindness and compassion to others. How about you?

For more inspirational thoughts visit Cellyb at Busy at Home .


  1. Oh, I love this Psalm. On first glance it seems so comforting to know that God knows everything about us. After we meditate on it a while, though, it's uncomfortable at the least to knonw that God knows our thoughts. Thanks for the reminder to guard them more closely.

  2. Thanks for sharing. This made me think of my husband. I can be kind to him, all the while thinking negative thoughts. It's about honoring God in all that we do - including the meditations of the heart.

  3. Sometimes I wish I could walk around with blinders on because the ugliest thoughts will jump into my head without warning. Isn't it awful that the flesh is programmed in such a way? We must daily fight the flesh to be good and keep these awful thoughts out of our heads. I like the idea that God knows what I'm thinking so that I'll be more conscious of what's rattling around up in my brain.


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