Not So Cute- her Vulcan death grip. No biting here folks, just the claws of death.
Cute- the way she looks in the mirror and shakes her head to make her ponytails jounce.
Not So Cute- her scream of discontent when, in her mind, the slightest infraction has take
Cute- the way she walks around holding her babies and kissing them on the head.
Cute- when she says, "please Mama" or "help Mama" or "day-doo Mama" (such a polite child!)
Not So Cute- her propensity to color on anything that looks like a blank canvas
Cute- How she gets super excited over simple pleasures- like icee pops!
Cute- How she loves her brothers and calls for them at the top of her lungs- "BOYS"!
Cute- Her beautiful blue eyes, curly hair, heart shaped lips, pudgy belly and baby smell.
I love this age! Sometimes her little 2-year-old quirks can be pretty frustrating, but for the most part she just makes me laugh! She is growing and changing so much each day. I am hoping to capture the essence of my little girl, so that I can read back over these posts when she is older and remember the days spent with my precious gift from God.